I’m loving these old photos as I go through them. I just had to share a few more. I used to love going through all our old photos because 1. we have so many and 2. it was from a time when my family was globe trotting. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for me, I was born once our family had settled where my parents currently live today.
As long as I can remember my brothers have always been Men to me. So, to see pictures of them as boys is amusing and cute. My 2nd eldest bro was such a cutie. He reminds me of those round-eyed Scottish fold cats. Heh.
I admire my Mom alot. Since I left home at 17 when I entered college, I feel bad that I only was able to spend those short, 17 years with her. I see these photos and she’s raising my two brothers in Hawaii, Japan & on a air-craft carrier from Japan to Norcal. She’s made of steel that woman and she’s so generous.
In fact, I’m going to call her right now as I post these pictures. 🙂
Ma with Dad’s green mustang. They loved this car and drove cross country in it!
I found this picture in the pile that Dad didn’t want to scan. I thought it was so funny. My brother peeking through the plant cracked me up.
Err. Flamingos. I like retro pictures of flamingos. 😛
Mom and my brothers. By this time, they must be living in the Bay Area.
I love these photos!