Press Paws November 3, 2012 PRESS PAWS Come join us on February 9th, 2013 at Gallery Nucleus to see some amazing “animals in video games” themed art, make a…
Black Swan – Pole Dance Series #3 – Natasha Wang January 21, 2012 Title: “Black Swan” Medium: Pencil, Digital Painting, 2012 Home Third in my pole series. This was inspired by 2011 United States Pole Dance Champion,…
K September 29, 2009 “K” Digital Painting – Sept 2009 Our Self-Portraits From K to Julian Can’t you see what I see in this twig foaming with plum…
Dave McKean’s Persistence of Vision – Merry Karnowsky Gallery – Los Angeles, CA July 20, 2008 Win and I attended Dave McKean’s show, Persistence of Vision at the Merry Karnowsky Gallery in Los Angeles this evening. It was a stunning…