There are a lot of exciting things happening this year at our table at Comic Con International! First, we have a couple of brand new books that will debut for this show including Nguyen Dong‘s “Pulse,” and Leen Isabel‘s “Pole Dancing Adventures Vol.2,” and “Ugo.” “Pulse” showcases Nguyen’s new concept art work for a post-apocalyptic robot story set in Venice. Ugo is Leen’s comic about a Corgi who dreams to climb to the top of the leaning tower of Pisa! Both Nguyen and Leen will have new art prints for sale.
This year we are also very excited to welcome a couple of new members who will be signing their own novel books throughout the con. Selena Jones will be signing for her “Everyday is like Doomsday” books which is a uniquely entertaining story about an innocent boy trying to stay alive in a villain academy. Cordell Falk will also be joining us to sign his “Valley of the Damned” books, a western series about a vagabond who must choose between running into the desert to hide from his enemies or staying in town to find a stash of gold. Please visit our table P-11, in the small press area for the signing schedule and more details!
See you all there from July 20th (preview night) until July 24th!