Two in ONE DAY!? Say it isn’t so!

My Darling (Just a Sketch!) – Graphite & Digital
… and then I gave her blue hair. XD Er.. I think I could have worked the hair better, but I got tired and impatient. Not a good combination!
Photo references comes from Namie Amuro’s GLAMOROUS April 2009 Photo shoot.
I was feeling the soft and cute to balance out from the darker piece from the previous post. ><
I even softened my make-up today!
I don’t even think you can tell… because we live in a cave.
– Light Pink eyeshadow at the corners of the lid up until the crease.
– Blend colors together.
– Pink blush and a nude lip color.
Win tells me that when I’m frustrated, go back to learning. Go learn something new and apply it to your work. Good advice.
Just take it one day at a time if I’m going to dig myself out of this funk!
[edit]: haha! I think I unconsciously drew Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier! Won’t it leave my brain already!?
Are you gonna put it on dA so I can fav it?!
Lawl! Already there. ^_^
Hmm. It’s not showing as being there on my computer. 🙁
🙁 Strange! Here’s the link!
Hoorah! Thanks a million.