On the 12th day, we found ourselves in Athens, Greece. We took a drive through the city to visit the Acropolis & then drove down to the National Archaeology Museum. <3 Totally loved that visit since we saw some incredible & well-known artifacts and sculptures. We had lunch at a charming restaurant and by far Greek cuisine will always be my favorite. *^^* ::drools for Dolmas!::
Seeing the Acropolis was a dream! <3 Another one of those places I've always wanted to visit in my life. The weather was gorgeous that day, too.
Theatre of Dionysus.
The gorgeous Parthenon but… SCAFFOLDING!!!
The Erechtheum
And of course, the lovely Caryatids.
I rather like this pic of me. <3
@ The corner of the Propylaea.
@ The front of the Propylaea!
Parthenon & the Theatre.
The visit was slightly agonizing due to the mob scene. :/
@ The National Archaeological Museum
On the steps of the museum.
I love that on the inside, the walls were blue and the edges were accented in gold. <3
I’d never seen so many Kouros and Kouri in one space before! 😀
The famous Zeus that was fished out of the sea by fishermen. 🙂
I loved looking at the various limbs that were about the Museum. Such perfect musculature. It was unbelievable.
The Mask of Agamemnon found by Heinrich Schliemann.
A lovely sculpture of Venus. <3
The back of the same sculpture.
Facial details… I <3 Greek Sculpture. <3
Driving about Athens
Kinda makes you want to invest in Coke stock.
He followed us for a while. XD
Another cute item I regret not buying.
At the time, I was convinced I wanted to decorate my home with these…
Street side vendors had these funny tomato shaped balls that “splat” flat when thrown on the surface. See that girl? She was on our cruise. She was quite gorgeous (sorry you can’t tell) but when we saw her here, she was henceforth known as “Tomato Girl.”
It would be worth a F*-load in Euros!
And then he put it on, ran out into the streets and challenged everyone to a fight.
Cute policemen looking at someone.
Cute girl. I liked her shoes.
woa! some intense policemen! and I like how they have coffee (I think it’s coffee) with them… so iconic of law enforcement anywhere. XD Cuute!
XD They looked so cheery! <3 I thought they were quite the handsome with their stylin' shades. XD
Wow, even the police dudes look smiley and happy!
I always encounter scaffolding when we got to Europe. It’s like the whole continent is under construction or something.
I think I need to go to Greece. *_* (I would’ve totally bought that t-shirt too. lol) ♥
Ok – why is that, regardless of where you go, the cops and firemen are all super cute? Well, the YOUNG ones anyways! LOL! Serious droolage over that pic… 😉 Sshhh! Don’t tell my hubby!
They were consistently pretty. Very odd.
I’d see a pretty man and I’d let Win know. He’d laugh at me.