Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone! It’s a low-key year this year for me and Win, but still enjoyable nonetheless. Hope you’re all having a safe night!

To get in the spirit, I carved a pumpkin with my friends and they all sat atop my gate outside.

From L-to-R, Rage Face, Totoro and Hello Kitty. I made Totoro, of course. 🙂 I don’t think the neighborhood kids will understand who my character is though. 🙁

On Sunday, I felt like baking and turned out these Gingerbread, Granola and Chocolate muffins. They’re reaaaally good, but I really wish I also stuck some chocolate chips inside them, too. Or rather than chocolate, maybe some carrot bits inside. Next time…

That same morning, I came out and found Felix sleeping like this on the couch. Poor kid partied harder than I did apparently. 😛 I thought he kicked the bucket. x_x

But lately, I’ve been spending time at my new desk. I’ve been in a drawing funk lately so this captures my mood. 😛 Spooky.

Today at work, my co-workers and I all dressed up. I’m glad I got to put those Darkstalker Lilith bat-wings to good use. Someday, I’ll finish the costume!

I stayed home to draw and pass out candy. Can you believe this is my first year EVER passing out candy to kids? And it’s bittersweet since it’s at our house, so I loved seeing all the neighborhood kids all dressed up. My first trick-o-treater was Iron Man! Yay!

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